We Are More Than Menopause
The podcast is for anyone who knows that midlife is so much more than just the changes our bodies go through. We explore the ups and downs of midlife, menopause, and life in general.
We Are More Than Menopause
The Stinky Challenge Episode 9
Join us on this journey. Together, we can learn more about the potential risks associated with aluminum-based deodorants and explore alternative options for a healthier and odor-free lifestyle. Tune in to "The Stinky Challenge" podcast, where we dive deep into the world of deodorants, discuss the latest research, and embark on a 30-day challenge to switch to natural alternatives. Get ready to discover new insights, overcome challenges, and make informed choices for your personal well-being. Don't let the fear of stink hold you back. It's time to take control of your health and freshness. Join us on "The Stinky Challenge" podcast today!